
Windows 11 tpm requirement
Windows 11 tpm requirement

To know more, take a look at the official documentation of the cmdlet. If you prefer to manage your Hyper-V settings from command line, then you can also use the Enable-VMTPM PowerShell cmdlet to perform the aforementioned steps. Due to this design, you don't need a specialized hardware just for the sake of virtualization - anyone can use a hosted hypervisor on their home PC.

windows 11 tpm requirement

A guest operating system runs as a process on the host. They can be installed like regular computer programs. Hosted hypervisors need an underlying operating system to work. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to configure some of the most popular hosted hypervisors in order to add a virtualized TPM device for a Windows 11 VM. Moreover, the process of virtualizing the TPM itself greatly differs from one hypervisor to another.

windows 11 tpm requirement

The scenario is a bit different on a virtual machine (VM), though, as hypervisor vendors have yet to come up with a common standard of TPM passthrough. Keep in mind that almost every PC since mid-2016 has built-in TPM in its firmware - you might just need to fiddle with a BIOS setting to enable it. The reason Microsoft is making TPM 2.0 a requirement for Windows 11 is due to the necessity to offer hardware-level protection against cybersecurity attacks.

Windows 11 tpm requirement